“As Siegmund, he was committed dramatically and shone in his character’s highlights: Morrell delivered some magnificently stentorian “Wälse”s, and a lovely Todesverkündung with manful tone. “
“Jon Morrell’s powerful Siegmund was a marine veteran back from Iraq or Afghanistan… Morrell’s ‘Walse! , Walse!’ had great impact in the theatre.”
-See and Heard International
As Samson, the imposing Jon Morrell manages the difficult trick of conveying both strength and vulnerability; whether fighting his attraction to Dalila or when blinded and shackled in defeat, his powerful tenor is laced with pain.
- Creative Loafing Tampa
The tenor’s powerful third act followed an enthralling second act…Morrell was in great voice, big and full with admirably clear French, and delivered a perfect ‘Vois ma misere’ shorn of his mane, blinded and shackled.
-Tampa Bay Times